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Hair can appear anywhere on your body and become a burden to get rid of.
Sometimes, as we get older, unwanted hair begins to grow in new areas or increase its presence in locations where hair used to be thin.
Shaving is only a temporary solution that can cause painful razor burn and frequent replacements of disposable razors or reusable razor heads.
Waxing requires less frequent hair removal but can be pricey and painful.
Tweezing is only efficient for a few random hairs and doesn’t last for long.
So why not try a different method of hair removal that requires fewer treatments and is virtually pain-free and permanent?
What Is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal, which utilizes light-based technology, is a relatively quick process and can benefit the skin in many different ways.
Most patients remove hair from their arms, back, bikini area, chest, face, legs, underarms, and other regions of the body.
Hair follicles are destroyed after undergoing Icon™ light-based treatments, resulting in permanent hair removal.
Facial hair and body hair can all be safely removed with the light-based treatment.
What Are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?
Light-based treatments are a great way to reduce the need for shaving, plucking or waxing, and laser treatment is also:
- Appropriate for many skin tones
- Efficient at removing all hair types
- Fast
- Permanent
How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Take?
Most hair removal treatments take 30 minutes or less per session. Additional treatments may be necessary depending on how much hair is being removed and how large the area is.
Patients should notice a significant difference after each treatment.
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Light-based hair removal strategically targets hair cells within the dermis and destroys them.
The surrounding skin is protected and preserved during this process.
After damaging the hair cells that create hair growth, the result is permanently smoother, hair-free skin as long as the patient stays on schedule with the treatment plan.
If appointments are missed, it is possible for the hair to grow back.
What Else Can Laser Technology Do?
The Icon™ laser is also used to rejuvenate the skin, remove scars—specifically acne or surgical scarring—reduce stretch marks, resurface the skin, and remove leg veins.
The Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial can significantly improve the skin by smoothing out wrinkles and imperfections.
Ethnic Skin
People of various ethnicities can be sensitive to laser treatments. Skin discoloration is a common concern of patients, especially of Asian descent.
We are aware of potential risks and take precautions to reduce the occurrence of skin discoloration.
Before the treatment begins, we first conduct a test spot on the skin to see how it will react to the treatment.
Lasers used at our facility are top of the line advanced technology, which we pair with our expertise, experience, and care to provide the best results possible.

Start Your Treatment Today!
If you are considering removing your undesired hair, call our office in Beverly Hills, CA, today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles S. Lee.
Our team offers financing payment options and are happy to work with your budget for the cost of your treatment.
We can be reached by calling (310) 271-5954 or filling out our online contact form.