How Can Asian Rhinoplasty Build Up My Nasal Bridge?

Beautiful Asian woman touching her nose while she smiles

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It is both literal and figurative to say that the nose is central to our facial aesthetic. Not only does the nose sit in the middle of our faces, but it helps to balance and bring shape to the entire face. So, if you struggle with structural issues with the nose, then your entire facial appearance can be negatively affected. 

Luckily, rhinoplasty can help to correct issues with the nose, which can help your face look more balanced.

People of different ethnicities struggle with different facial issues, and this can most clearly be seen with the nose. 

For Asian men and women, one of the most common complaints about the nose is a low or underprojected nasal bridge, which can cause the face to look distorted. 

And while suffering from a troublesome nasal bridge can be frustrating for many Asian patients, the good news is that Asian rhinoplasty at Asian Cosmetic Surgery center can help to build up the nasal bridge to allow for a stronger, more natural appearance.

How Is Asian Rhinoplasty Performed?

Asian rhinoplasty (corrective nose surgery) is usually performed under general anesthesia to ensure that you will not feel any pain or discomfort during your procedure. 

Once the anesthesia has been administered, Dr. Lee will make an incision in your nose. Through this incision, he will be able to address any nasal concerns. 

For issues with the nasal bridge, Dr. Lee will build up the low or unprojected bridge with the use of cartilage grafts taken from your rib cartilage. This allows the bridge structure to be corrected by natural, non-synthetic means (since the tissue and cartilage is coming from your own body). 

This procedure generally takes one and a half to three hours to complete.

What Results Can You Look Forward to With Asian Rhinoplasty?

When Asian men and women have a low or flat nasal bridge, their faces tend to look rounder and flatter than they actually are. Correcting the nasal bridge can offer significant benefits to the profile of your face. Not only can you achieve a more natural appearance, but you can look forward to achieving more overall balance to your entire face. 

While the physical appearance of your nose and face can be transformed with Asian rhinoplasty, one of the best benefits achieved with this surgical procedure is an improvement to your comfort, confidence, and self-esteem. 

No longer will you feel embarrassed about your nose or the way it detracts from the natural beauty of your face. After your Asian rhinoplasty, you can smile with the knowledge that you are putting your best face forward!

Why Should You Trust Dr. Lee With Your Asian Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Charles S. Lee is board certified in both plastic surgery and facial plastic surgery and is a member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery

While Dr. Lee is a trusted professional in the field of plastic surgery, he specializes in Asian plastic surgery procedures with the goal of helping his patients achieve the physical appearances they desire while maintaining their ethnic appearance. 

Nose surgery is one of the most difficult procedures to perform, so it is important that you trust your rhinoplasty to a plastic surgeon like Dr. Lee, who has the knowledge and proven experience to meet the needs of his patients.  

Want to Learn More? 

If you have questions about Asian rhinoplasty or any of the other surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments that Dr. Charles S. Lee offers at Asian Cosmetic Surgery, please feel free to call at 310-271-5954 or fill out this contact form. 

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